Secure Apache2 with Let's Encrypt SSL on Debian 10/11

Secure Apache2 with Let’s Encrypt SSL on Debian 10/11 Overview In the following post, we’re going to showcase the procedure how to Secure Apache2 with Let’s Encrypt SSL on Debian 10(this procedure works on Debian 11 as well). The post will showcase the scenario, where we need to install certbot on our Debian machine and obtain the SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt, setup the automatic HTTPS redirection and test out the certificate renewal as well....

August 29, 2021 · 4 min · 813 words · MarkoN

Wordpress on Google cloud free tier

How to host Wordpress on Google cloud free tier Introduction In this article we’re going to demonstrate how you can host Wordpress on Google Cloud free tier plan. We’ll be covering the process how to setup and host wordpress website on google cloud using their free tier plan. Yes, it can be done(Note - the hosting part for the website will be free, but if you need to buy a domain that’ll be the only expense in this post)....

May 21, 2019 · 11 min · 2320 words · MarkoN