How to create symlinks in Linux

Overview Hi there fellow Linux learners! Hope you’re ready to expand your knowledge about Linux. Today’s topic is how to create symlinks in Linux, which is short for symbolic links. There are two different kinds of links: soft links hard links In this article we’ll focus on soft symbolic links. Hard links will be on menu some other time. Don’t be intimidated by its name, you don’t have to write symbols, neither remember or decipher ones. Soft symbolic links is just the fancy name for shortcuts. As simple as that. To create symlink you’ll have to use ln command (short for link – makes sense, eh?). ...

December 19, 2023 · 4 min · 777 words · MarkoN

How to create a swap file in Linux

Overview We’re going to cover a process how to create a swap file in Linux, how to activate it and how to adjust it. You might have heard of linux swap term or maybe of linux swap space when you installed your Linux distro on your PC/server. If you were not sure about creating a linux swap space process and didn’t create one for some reason, you can instead create a Linux swap file instead. Also, there are some advantages to have a swap file instead of swap partition. Swap file is much easier to manage - meaning, you can easily change swap file size anytime, you can activate it and deactivate it anytime and etc. ...

December 19, 2023 · 6 min · 1076 words · MarkoN

How to create a file in Linux using terminal

Overview In this article we will be looking at various methods on how to create a file in Linux using terminal. We’ll be demonstrating file creation using text editors and also with some in-built commands and tools. f you’re new to the world of Linux, you probably heard (or even witnessed with your own eyes) that experienced and seasoned users use command line interface (CLI) rather than graphic user interface (GUI), harnessing the power of Linux. They use it on a daily basis, even for the simplest of tasks such as creating a new file. ...

December 19, 2023 · 4 min · 760 words · MarkoN

How to change SSH port on Linux

Overview In the following article we’ll be going through the steps on how to change SSH port on Linux and establish the connection from the Linux SSH client(openssh) by using the port number we changed. In another words we want to change the default SSH port on Linux(port number 22) and using an uncommon port number for the SSH connection in order to tighten the security access on our Linux server. ...

December 19, 2023 · 4 min · 652 words · MarkoN

How to change password in Linux

Overview This article will be about the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your computer and personal information – passwords, meaning that we’ll explaining the process on how to change password in Linux for an existing user and for other users too. Main point about the passwords - The stronger your password is the more protected your computer will be. So be sure NOT to use your first or last name, date or place of birth, names of your children, pets or spouses, your home address, words from dictionary etc. The more characters it has, the harder is to break it. ...

December 19, 2023 · 5 min · 872 words · MarkoN

How to change hostname on Linux

Overview In this post we will cover the steps on how to change hostname on Linux. We’ll go through the basics on how to change a hostname on a Linux machine and why we do it and all the steps will be demonstrated using the terminal. Additionally, we’ll showcase a couple of different methods on how to do it. The options we’ll demonstrate can be applied on almost any Linux distro, for an example we can change the hostname on Ubuntu/Debian and even change the hostname on Fedora/RedHat. ...

December 19, 2023 · 4 min · 750 words · MarkoN

Change hostname on Linux using Ansible

Overview This article will demonstrate how we to set a hostname on a Linux server using Ansible playbook. The end goal of this procedure is to automate the process changing the hostname on our remote Linux server. Overall this process is simple when executed manually but this playbook can have it’s uses too. One example - use it as a template for new server deployment Requirements in order to successfully change the hostname: ...

December 18, 2023 · 2 min · 341 words · MarkoN

How to add user to sudoers on Linux

Overview This post will cover multiple procedures on how to add user to sudoers on Linux or in other words, how to give sudo privileges to a user on Linux. The steps showcased here can be applied for almost any Linux distribution. We’re also going to showcase how to add a missing sudoers file and sudoers group in Linux, which by default may occur on some minimal Linux installations(usually on the first and fresh install). ...

December 18, 2023 · 4 min · 751 words · MarkoN

Add user to the group in Linux

Overview We’re going to cover the steps how to add user to the group in Linux via terminal and how to remove a user from the group. This is also another essential skills a Linux user should know since this procedure is a part of user management practice. This post is a part of our Linux user management post series. In one of our earlier posts, we covered the process how to create and delete users in Linux via terminal(you can check out the procedure here - post). ...

December 15, 2023 · 4 min · 784 words · MarkoN

Create multiple files in Linux with one command

Overview Last time I showed you how to create a file in Linux, both ways – using text editors and using almighty terminal(link to »>POST«<). But, did you know that you can create multiple files at once? No, I don’t mean by repeating the same command over and over. I mean creating multiple files at once, with a single command. So that’s, what are going to cover in this article - how to create multiple files in Linux with one command. On a similar topic we also covered how you can create multiple directories in Linux with one command - link to »>POST«<, and how to delete folders and files in Linux too - link to »>POST«<. ...

October 27, 2022 · 3 min · 548 words · MarkoN

Configure IPtables rules using Ansible

Overview The following article will act as a guide and to demonstrate the process how to configure IPtables rules using Ansible. What does this means is - by using Ansible we will create a playbook that we’re going to use to automatically set IPtables firewall rules on a remote Linux server. This solution may prove to be a good option since not only it will do the job automatically but also enables to perform the same procedure on multiple different hosts at once. ...

July 14, 2022 · 4 min · 641 words · MarkoN

How to extract tar.gz file in Linux

Overview The topic for this post will be how to extract tar.gz file in Linux using the tar tool in terminal. In addition we’ll showcase other basic tar options too. If you are new to Linux OS, you must be heard of the tar files. Most open-source packages are distributed in tar format. Every Linux user should be familiar with the the tar command, at least the basics. The tar is the most wildly used archive package in Linux OS, just like zip files. Most Linux distributions used tar by default. A tar archive is pre-installed on many Linux Operating Systems, and it stands for “Tape Archive” every so often it is also referred to as the tarball. ...

June 25, 2022 · 3 min · 539 words · MarkoN